• Call our surgery01463 711777
  • Out of hours01463 711777
  • Emergency01463 711777


Check out the range of services we provide

Services Provided by Inshes Vets

  • Vaccinations
  • Pet Passports
  • Behavourial Advice
  • Microchipping

See below for more information on some of our services.


As a practice we advise neutering as un-neutered animals can develop certain health and/or behavioural problems as they grow older. It also helps with unwanted pregnancies!

Pet Dentistry​

A major part of pet ownership is dental care. This is often overlooked by many owners. Nurses are available to discuss dental care from toothbrushing to dental diets. We recommend regular dental checks as prevention is always better than cure!

Home Visits

If you require a home visit, please give as much notice as possible. Please bear in mind that in the surgery we have the full range of materials and equipment for treating your pet. In an emergency, it is usually best for you to bring your pet direct to the surgery.

Surgical Procedures

Our vets are happy to discuss any routine or non-routine surgical procedures and give estimates. Please see our Price List for routine procedures.

Senior Pet Clinic

Senior Pet Clinics are run at the same time as your pet's booster and are for dogs over the age of 8 years and cats over the age of 9 years. It involves an extended consultation, examination and health questionnaire with a vet and a nurse. Blood tests and urine tests will be run to check for kidney disease, diabetes, liver damage, cholesterol and urinary tract disease. We also offer blood pressure testing for cats in the senior pet clinic. In this case the owners have the option of leaving their cat for a short time as this is best done when the cat is completely relaxed.

Weight Clinics

Like humans, some pets can put on a few extra pounds, which can have certain health implications. Nurse clinics are here to provide advice, support and encouragement on types of food and a weight loss programme for your pet.

Veterinary and Nurse Training

If you are in education and want to go into the veterinary profession, this information may be of help to you.

After School Opportunites

We welcome students who are still at school to apply to come to the surgery one weekday between 4pm and 7pm to work with the evening nurse helping her out with various duties. Students must be aged 14 years or over due to insurance regulations. Due to the demand, the placements are for a six week block at a time. Contact us today!

Animal Nursing Assistant Course at Thurso College

The North Highland College run an Animal Nursing Assistant Course in Thurso. We can provide a placement for one student per year, to complete the course.

Veterinary Nursing Courses

Edinburgh's Telford College run veterinary nursing courses and as we are a registered training practice we are more than happy to provide placements for students subject to availability.

Veterinary Surgeon Placements

For university students looking for a placement please contact by email.